Lighten Your Burden

I've talked about how Jesus is making our yoke easy, and how we often tire ourselves out trying to prove to ourselves, to others, or to God that we can handle the weight. I would like to focus more on the burden being light today. This seems contradicting in a way. If you have made the conscious decision to follow Christ, life doesn't get easier, it gets harder. Our temptations weigh heavier and every decision has bigger consequences. Essentially we have to give up our life and our desires with it to obtain the life that Jesus calls us to live. Is it easy to give up our life? Is it easy to die for who he is? It seems so tough. So what did Jesus mean by a burden being light?  

From the outside this looks crazy. You are willing to die for a man 2000 years ago. On what basis other then faith? None of us were there. None of us can deny that. But even though the burden appears heavy, from the inside it's completely different. When we ask God into our hearts, he reveals more and more of himself to us. We start to understand creation better, relationships better, as well as who we are meant to be. As we follow Jesus, he is plowing the field and we reap the harvest with him. 

When we join Jesus and invite him into our lives, it is amazing how light that burden is. So I encourage all of you to lean on him. Trust that he is doing the work and God's will will be done.


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