The Sin Stuggle
Genesis 3:9-10
“But the LORD God called to the man, “Where are you?” He answered, “I heard you in the garden, and I was afraid because I was naked; so I hid.””
When we are struggling with the shame of our sins, our instinct is to hide from God. We naturally want to isolate ourselves because the weight of our shame is to much to bare sometimes. But the truth is that God wants you to give him your shame. Jesus' death on the cross shows us that he wants us to be reunited back to God.
God treated Jesus with what we deserved, so God can treat us with what Jesus deserves. We are blameless in his eyes. He loves us and wants us to come to him with our shame. He can handle it. He wants to take it from us. But he can't do that if we hide from him.
So what does this mean? Can we just keep on sinning? Not at all. I want you to start worshipping God when you struggle. Start singing your favourite worship song. My favourite right now is Glorious Day by Passion. Start seeking God in prayer.
If you take anything away from this message, I hope it's this: give God all your shame. And when you would normally retreat or hide from God,
start to worship him and all of his Glory and Goodness.
start to worship him and all of his Glory and Goodness.
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