Nominated for a Liebster Award!

Liebster Award

Thank you Alicia Day for nominating my post, "Influences That Create Who We Are" for a Liebster Award.

I am honoured to be nominated for this award. I just recently heard about this award and what it represents and I think this is a great way to celebrate fellow bloggers. It is not easy putting your thoughts and words out there fearing what may come of them or how readers will respond to them. When we are given support in anything we do it can give us a spark that helps us to continue our work. The same goes for an opposite affect, negative and lack of support can easily put the fire out. Part of the nomination process is to answers some questions about myself and my blog.

How would you define success?
My perspective of success is shaped by what I make it. The value of anything grows when you invest into it. Success is often the opposite of failure but if success is something we build then failure isn't in the equation nor should it be. Often the fear of failure keeps us from building onto our success. Therefore success is your story completing your journey through life.

What is your favourite kind of music?
I have a huge range of music that I like. Right now I can't listen to enough Christian contemporary music and worship music. My favourite songs right now are "How great is your Love" by Passion and "Magnify" by We Are Messengers. 

If you can have anyone for dinner, who would it be?
I feel like this question is a typo. I don't think bloggers tend to be cannibals but I'll answer it both ways. If I could have anyone for dinner it would have to be Jesus. He is the bread of life after all and tells the crowd following him that they must eat him to receive the bread from heaven in John 6:51. This is a joke of course but the link "The Bread of Life" goes into more of a detailed understanding to this thought. Now to answer how I think the question is supposed to read. Right now I would love to have NF (Nathan Feuerstein) over for dinner. He is a rapper out of Michigan. His life is revealed through his lyrics and he is someone who wears his heart on his sleeve. I'd call him a Christian Rapper but I know he hates that term and I love why he does. He has said "If I built houses would I only build houses for other Christians? No I would build houses for anyone because that's what I would do." I think he would be an interesting person to get to know.  

Who or what inspired you to write?
I have always wanted to be a writer. What kept me away from from writing was that growing up I struggled with reading. It wasn't until I finished school that I figured out that I am an audible learner. I even got the Bible on audio book thanks to audible. 

What is the best book you have ever read?
Without saying the bible or any books in the the bible I'd have to say A Reason for God by Timothy Keller. I love the way he sees the gospel and is able to simply explain really difficult train of thoughts. I also really enjoyed The Shack by William P. Young. His Journey through the story give a very personal self reflection of his relationship with God. Some parts I could relate to and others I was thankful that he share that helped me stretch my perspective of God. I know that book is very controversial in the Christian community but I enjoyed Young's fiction non the less. I Also really enjoyed Seeking Allah, Finding Jesus by Nabeel Qureshi. His story is so powerful. 

For what are you the most Grateful?
Above all else I am most grateful for Jesus's death on the cross. Not counting that I would have to say I am the most grateful for my wife. We have enough in common to keep us entertained by one another but even more so her differences lift me up as a person and make me feel more complete as a person then every on my own.

What advice would you give a starting blogger, or one thinking about it?

I  just started blogging a month ago so my expertise is going to be, well weak at best. From the advice I have received so far I have to say some has been really helpful. The first piece of advise was outside of blogging. It went like this, with what ever you do make sure you own it rather then it owning you. In my short time blogging I have found it is very easy to get caught up in the promoting and growth your blog receives. It is important to keep in mind why you are sharing what you are share because once you lose site of that it will turn into what and when you are sharing. The pressure we put on ourselves can blind us to reality. The second would be to talk about what you are writing with the people in your life. Not to promote you message but to gain different perspectives on what you are talking about, giving your message more depth. And lastly I think it is really important to LOVE what you talk about. Blogging should be an overflow of what we are passionate about. Hopefully these pieces of advice can help any new bloggers starting out.

What is one thing you want the world to know about you?
This is a tough question for me. To be honest my desire is to be known for teaching and preaching but what I struggle with is I fear this more then wanting it. I fear it because I know that I can easily get self righteous, I already do on a smaller scale and having the whole world feed that desire would not only get my head big but would probably blow up. 

What is one thing that you do #LIKEABOSS
I love yard games. I host my own tournaments on long weekends with friends and I have to say I bring home those trophies #LIKEABOSS

What do you want your readers to take away from your writing?
I hope that my readers will be tempted to dive into there own relationship with Jesus. Inspiring them to find the answers to the questions we either stop asking or have given up searching. 

If you could do any one thing for the rest of your life and be compensated for that and only that, what would it be?
I would want to preach  about Jesus. When I talk about Him, His word, and His victory I am filled with this energy and passion that I can't get enough of. 

The beauty of this award is that you are nominated by fellow bloggers who have been nominated by others before them. At the end of the year one is selected to be the winner. more information available for you if you click Liebster Award

If I select you please copy these questions that I have highlighted in yellow. Remember this award is directed towards bloggers helping other bloggers growing their viewership. So please find 10 bloggers to nominate as well. 

Lastly I need to see people's blogs before I can choose so if you want to share your favorite blog post or if you want to recommend someone else's please copy a link in the comments below. 
Thank you for your time. Hope you all have a great day!


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