7 Days of Creation?

I titled this post with a question because this was the biggest question I had about scripture. I found myself at a cross roads. I couldn't deny God's presence in my life. From how God has been with me my whole life to knowing that I needed Jesus to die for me as the perfect sacrifice that is necessary to pay for my sins. This new understanding filled me with joy, excitement, energy, and purpose. From being a total skeptic to basically a new believer, I was frustrated with where I stood in my faith. I believed that I needed Jesus but I still had trouble believing I needed the bible. My view of scripture was a pile of words that, if you really wanted to, you could skew the words to say what ever you really wanted to say. I remember exactly where I was, I was in my car after my shift outside the farm I worked at when I cried out to God "IF YOU WANTED ME TO BELIEVE YOUR WORD WHY DID YOU START IT WITH SUCH A LIE!!" I could not get over the seven day creation. Ou...