Where is God in all of This

I had a sarcastically exciting night last night. Everything started out great. I went to bed at a decent time, all of my chores were done, my wife was sleeping and I was writing down some teaching ideas. 

It was peaceful. I was productive. It was a successful night all around. Then I heard it. Little hacking and gargling coming from the end of the bed. 

My wife and I have two pets. A little toy poodle named Chico and a cat named Chip. 

I look up fearing what I might see, and there it was. Puke in a pile at the end of the bed travelling over the edge and onto the carpeted floor. I immediately got up and proceeded to clean the duvet cover. It was hopeless. By the grace of God I was able to get the duvet cover off the duvet and not wake my wife. I felt like Houdini. I scrubbed the floor, rinsed the duvet cover, and threw it into the wash. 

I thought I was handling it really well. While I was down stairs putting the duvet cover into the wash I noticed the source of Chico's vomit. He ate some of Chips litter. Feeling sorry for him and disgusted by the thought, I made my way back up and made sure Chico knew I was not mad at him. 

We are now back in bed with the coverless duvet covering us and not even 5 minutes later I hear him hurling yet again. This time it was almost all liquid and he was cover in it. I jumped up, grab him and put him in the bath tub while I did the whole process over again. 

I knew I couldn't let him sleep on the bed anymore in case he got sick again so I figured the bathroom was probably the best bet for him to stay. I got his water bowl and some towels for him then went back to cleaning up. 

Chico would not stop whining. He hates being alone. I didn't want him thinking he was in trouble for being sick so I decided it would be best if I slept with him in the bathroom. Now our bathroom is not that big to begin with. We cuddled up and both got some sleep. 

The whole time lying there I got a glimpse of how God cleans up after us. I have been where Chico was. Metaphorically, I've never eaten Litter, just needed to clear that up. But I have been tempted by well crap. Consumed what I should not have, and felt the horrible consequences after. 

I have felt like I have disappointed God and that he was upset with me but in reality he's cleaning up the mess I make and comes and comforts me in the end making sure I still know he loves me. So even though I didn't get much sleep, in that moment I learned more about God then I would have preparing teaching ideas. 

God let's things happen to us for a reason. He isn't testing us, but grooming us so we can grow stronger and bigger in our faith. Are there any moments like that in your life that seem like a burden but as you look back on it you see that you matured because of it? It's all about finding God in all of this. 

I hope you enjoyed this story. Have a Blessed day,

Ryan Heath 


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