Growing in Understanding

The greatest piece of evidence in support of the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob for me, is the fact that we can't define him. If this God was created by man then we could comprehend who he is. 

Before I was a believer, as I looked from the outside in, my view concerning a relationship with this "almighty" God, was that these people believing this stuff were creating a God that they wanted and on top of that it seemed that people believed in this same God differently. For an example The same God that freed the American slaves in the 1800's was the same God who protected the slave trade. People on both sides of this had a relationship with God, justifying their position yet rejected the other position. 

I didn't realize it but I was making a big mistake. I was allowing my little bit of knowledge to determine my opinion, ignoring all of the knowledge that could be understood. This might sound odd but if we're honest, its a lot easier putting our own thoughts and words above others and thats because we struggle with wanting to be all knowing. the curse of the tree of all knowledge of good and evil eats away at us. One of the ways we cope with this is by becoming ignorant of reality. 

I didn't really know who I was or what I wanted to be growing up, seeking other peoples perspective of me to determine where my life would go. I felt like I was constantly failing the people around me because I didn't become a paramedic, or a fire fighter, or even a golf pro(not going to lie I really wanted this one I just wasn't good enough). I tried to set goals but fell short time and time again when I was trying to be who I thought others thought I was. 

When I was 21 I started volunteering as a hockey coach with my uncle. I loved it and the best part was I did this despite what others thought. This was my decision and it felt great. It was this confidence that eventually lead me to challenging God and the bible. What was interesting was that as I looked into scripture on my own coming across the reality that what I thought the scriptures were and what they actually are I was so far off in my understanding, but that didn't break my confidence. If anything it feed my confidence as I grew in this new knowledge. 

I thought the idea of the trinity was a way believers filled holes in there understanding of Almighty God. But each part of the God head completes his all powerful, all knowing, and everywhere present nature. The Father is the Creator, the Son is the Provider, and The Spirit is the Life. Understanding God created us, provided the sacrifice we could not, and gives us life making us more then dirt but breathing dirt. 

Then the Lord God formed the man of dust from the ground and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life, and the man became a living creature. Genesis 2:7 

So remember you are not just dust but are a vessel for life itself that separates us from the rest of creation. Please don't take my word for it, look into it for yourself. What I love about God and all the three of his persons is that it allows us to connect with each one individually. If you want to Connect to the Father just start to pray. If you want to connect to the Son start to read the Scripture provided to you that shows you God provides. And lastly if you want to connect to the Spirit live by the fruits of the spirit (love, joy, peace, forbearance, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self control - Galatians 5:22) and joyfully receive the Spirit through others for these are Godly attributes that lift one another up, truly loving our neighbours as ourself.   


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